Dr albina Khan best skin ,body , hair treatment specialist

Seborrheic Dermatitis

Aneww is the familiar with the problem of dandruff and have suffered from it at some point of our lives. Seborrheic dermatitis is an aggravated version of dandruff which causes patches of red, flaky and greasy skin to appear on scalp and other parts of the body. The itchy skin and scalp caused because of this condition has hair loss as one of its extreme side effects.

Seborrheic dermatitis is also known as seborrheic eczema. It is a chronic skin condition that can damage the hair follicles and slow down hair growth. It is a fungal disease which causes excessive sebum production by the sebaceous glands.


Patients face hair loss because of seborrheic dermatitis because the increase sebum production cause inflammation on the scalp and hinders the normal functioning of the hair follicles. This causes irritation, redness and itching in the affected area. This itching and inflammation leads top premature hair loss.

A naturally occurring yeast fungus causes this condition. The yeast like fungus is naturally present in the bodies and our normal immune system easily copes up with the fungus. The Pityrosporum Ovale fungus feeds on the sebum production and it often develops in the scalp when the unwanted conditions fail to check the growth of fungus. The sebum production also increases the growth of yeast malassezia production, which can further accelerate the hair loss and stuns hair growth in the nearby area too.